Casting Call for our Youtube skits! Calling all Book-Nerds!

So, has anyone ever mentioned that you could so play the part of “so-and-so” if there were ever a movie, or feel for your self there’s a striking resemblance and think you have what it takes to pull off your favorite character from any book  and fit the character description even slightly? 
The Booknatics would love to have an in-character interview with you for a silly skit we do called Book-A-Like.

There are a few ways we can do this. If our schedules conflict each others, we can email you the Questions we wish to be answered, YOU pick the book. Odds are I’ve read it, if not, I can do a quick read as I have got the next two days off.  You must have a video camera. If  you don’t have a video camera, even a picture of yourself would do and if you have a mic, you can record your answers and I can edit all the additional footage into our video. At least try to take a picture of yourself dressed up as the character if there are any special characteristics.

For example, let’s pretend they never made The Hunger Games into a movie, (because quite frankly, the movie sorta sucked, but I will get to that another day) And maybe you feel you could play the part of Peeta, Gale, Prim, Katniss, or even some of the Game Masters.

You pick the story (from any genre) AND the character you wish to portray. You would read our questions and answer them, preferably dressed up to really play the part,
(i.e. If posing as Katniss, maybe you could wear your hair in a side braid and have a bow and arrow sheath on your back, I dunno, if you’re posing as Peeta, you can hold a loaf of bread. Props are fun!)
and answer our questions in any manner, witty is great, and then mail your video footage to our email.

We will let you know when it’s ready to air, we can show you before hand too. I am hoping to have a Book-A-Like skit posted on Youtube every Wednesday. If you are interested, or even have friends to recommend to us, let me know here or at our email: We are just starting off in this Book Vlogging world, so you would be the honors, our very first Book-A-Like! We are excited to hear from you!

Our Youtube channel is: